Saturday 2 April 2011

Making babies.

Wanting something that you can't just go out and buy (unless you are Angelina Jolie) can cause a great deal of emotional turmoil.
But why. I've read that it's just a biology thing. We are here to procreate, and for the most part, that's exactly what we do. But not everybody CAN make babies. And not everybody WANTS to make babies. But why is it that those who DO want to, sometimes can't? Now I'm not suggesting for one moment that my ovaries are shrivelled little pebbles and I'm just a sad, barren housewife. I am not.
It just seems to me that often times it's those who are least capable and least willing to be parents who are the ones procreating at lightning speed.
I just don't understand why I want a baby. I don't get it at all.
I don't want to get fat(ter), I don't want my boobs to become deflated pancakes, and I don't want my sleep to be interrupted. I don't want to change nappies. I don't want my "free time" to become a thing of the past and I don't want to deal with tantrums, head lice and lost school uniforms. I don't want to deal with teenagers and I do NOT want to deal with unworthy girlfriends/boyfriends. Because, you know, nobody will be good enough for my child.
So why DO I want a child? I've heard people want to procreate for selfish reasons - yet I've just listed ten perfectly selfish reasons NOT to have a child. Yet I still do. So much that it pains me to even think about it.

When somebody discovers the reason for this absurd desire, please let me know. With all these reasons not to have a child, you would be forgiven for thinking that it's the last thing in the world that I would want. Yet it's not. It's mind-boggling. And heart-breaking.


  1. Nawww, you'll get your deflated pancakes, don't you worry!!

  2. Silicone has never sounded more appealing....
